Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer Opportunities
Are you passionate about One Credit Union? As a member owned organization, our board of directors is made up entirely by our member volunteers. Make your voice heard and join the team!

Current Board Openings:
Volunteer Title: Director
Reports to: One Credit
Union Members
Supervises: President and Chief Executive Officer
The role of this volunteer position is to work with One Credit Union (OCU) management to set policy, plan the credit union’s course, make sure the credit union maintains its sound financial condition, keep communication open, and report to the members at the annual meeting. Additionally, engage in the review of the President/CEO’s progress in achieving goals and objectives.
Volunteer Requirements:
- Attend all regular meetings of the Board of Directors, 10 monthly meetings, as well as the annual planning session and all require regulatory trainings.
- Exercise judgment independently from the President/CEO and report to the members at the annual meeting.
- Participate on Board committees where necessary.
- Work with the President/CEO, the Board and designated OCU staff to develop objectives and goals for the credit Union.
- Ensure the credit union adheres to pertinent laws, regulations and sound business practices.
- Ensure the credit union maintains sound financial condition and that the credit union’s assets are protected against unauthorized or illegal acts.
- Ensure are required policies are established, an annual budget is developed, and proper insurance has been placed. Approve all for credit union programs and activities.
- Maintain all credit union business affairs and affairs of its members in a confidential manner.
Volunteer Title: Supervisory Committee Member
Reports to: Board of
Supervises: Board of Directors and Audit Activities
Primary Duties:
The role of this volunteer position is to work with the One Credit Union (OCU) management liaison to review, track and approve all internal and external audit activities of the Credit Union. Additionally, tracking any findings resulting from regulatory examination. Additionally, should the need arise, provide oversight to the Board of Directors. Supervisory Committee members are appointed by the Board of Directors annually, however, terms are in three (3) increments.
Volunteer Requirements:
- Attend all quarterly meetings of the Supervisory Committee as well as a minimum of one Board meeting per year. Planning session is optional.
- Complete required regulatory training annually.
- Work with the OCU Management Liaison to review all audit and exam findings and ensure completion by management is satisfactory.
- Work directly with OCU’s audit partners to ensure all appropriate audits are completed.
- At least every three years, with management’s assistance, solicit bids for auditing services, review options and approve the audit firm the Credit Union will use.
Volunteers serving on the Board of Directors or Supervisory Committee are expected to:
- Be community minded and focused.
- Act as a positive ambassador of One Credit Union and its products and services.
- Be a member in good standing at One Credit Union
- Have the ability and desire to attend additional educational program(s) when necessary to perform their duties as a Volunteer.
- Continuously identify and recommend potential new board or committee members.
- Have a current email address for receiving correspondence.
- Have the ability to attend meetings remotely, if necessary.
- Have the ability to open documents, primarily in PDF format.
The Board of Directors is charged with oversight of the CEO, policy, and strategic planning.
The Supervisory Committee, which reports to the Board, ensures the safety and soundness of the credit union by overseeing the Internal and External Audit functions.