Saving for Goals
It’s Your Money! From daily practices to long-term planning, how you manage your money is largely in your hands. At One CU we have assembled all sorts of educational resources to help you succeed. And of course, we have the products and services to help you implement your plan.
We’re here to help. When you’re ready, call us and we will guide you on your path to achieving your financial goals.
Enrich Financial Education
We recommend you sign up in the Enrich Financial Education Center. As you proceed through the resources, different subjects will be presented for you to customize and tailor your experience to help you achieve your goals. Signing up is not required to navigate the resources … but it sure makes finding the resources for your specific goals easier!
What’s Your Money Personality?
Understand the “why” behind your money decisions with our behavioral assessment. Learn more.
Everything You Need to Know to Get Started With Managing Your Money
Money. You need it. You want it. Learn how to manage it.
Read Article (7 min)
Setting up automatic saving plans is the proven path to success. Learn more.
Saving for Goals
See all of our resources on how to save more for your personal goals. Learn more.